I spent last weekend in my friend's hometown in the Malaysian state of Kelantan. It was a gorgeous place, with loads of places to go, things to do and food to eat. But if there was any type of food that I had come across there and was vehemently against eating, it was this.
Marine turtle eggs are openly sold in wet markets alongside regular fresh produce. 3 pieces can fetch up to 12 Ringgit.
I've been told that it is illegal to raid turtle nests; however, it is NOT illegal to sell or eat turtle eggs, a loophole that allows the trade to continually flourish.
I was freaking out in the wet market and was laughed at by the egg sellers, completely oblivious to their contribution towards the imminent extinction of marine turtles.
If anyone knows of any appropriate organization, Malaysian or otherwise, which I can express my dissent to, please let me know.
In the meantime, please do your future generations a favor and do not buy turtle eggs. It's up to us as consumers to stop supporting this ridiculous practice of seeking out exotic delicacies.
Libido my arse, you'd have better luck with a pack of Smarties.
Thanks for reading,